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Fashionable Bladeless Neck Fan


SKU QSNG079 Category


Feeling hot? Do you need to go outside but afraid of the scuhing sun and heat? Do you feel that the heat will affect and wash away your perfect makeup?  Or afraid of coping during the hot weather period?

But you are not willing to hold regular portable fans? Why not always stay cool with this our fashionable bladeless neck fan?

You can hang the fan around your neck and take it everywhere, without feeling tired or uncomfortable. Say goodbye to hot flashes, sweating, and flushing.

Here comes our fashionable Bladeless Neck Fan. This portable fan is convenient to use, durable and easy to carry around everywhere you go. 

The motor has a varying speeds, from low to high speed range.  This fan can be used outdoors for sports , leisure, and even in the office and during exercise. This product has seven rotary vane with 360 degree free rotation, that deleivers uptimum cooling experience, and not only keeps you cool, but also helps your makeup stay in place. 

Additional information

Fashionable Bladeless Neck Fan

1pcs Dark Green, 1pcs Pink, 2pcs Dark Green & Pink

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